Great! As a Xero user its really easy to get started with Debtor Daddy firstly, we'll need to get you setup with a Username and Password so head on over to the main website and click Try it Free. 

Once you've been directed to the registration page we'll ask you for 3 basic details 

1. Your First & Last Name 
2. Your Email Address
3. A Password - Please make sure its a secure password with a mix of letters, numbers and symbols 

Fill in the details and click "Create my account" once you click this button we'll get your account setup and direct you to the "My Organisations" screen. We'll also send you an email to confirm your account.  Don't worry you'll have 48 hours to confirm your Debtor Daddy Account. 

Now it's time to connect Xero to Debtor Daddy it's really important that you are either the subscriber or a user with Adviser and Reporting access to ensure you can make use of all Debtor Daddy's functions.   Not sure what permissions you have in Xero? Check out this support note on the Xero Website 

Once you are in the My Organisations screen ( click Xero from the list of accounting software. If you can't see this list just press the green blob1452999492428.png icon this will reveal the accounting software list 

You'll be taken over to the Xero authentication where you'll need to enter your username and password that you use to login to Xero and then click Login  

Select the organisation that you wish to connect Debtor Daddy to, then click authorise you'll be directed back to Debtor Daddy where you can start to customise Debtor Daddy to meet your business requirements   

Head over to the Configuring Debtor Daddy for your Organisation knowledgebase to learn more 

Need a hand with configuring Debtor Daddy? Just open a support ticket with our team or start a live chat session with us