Every now and again you might want to pause automatic reminders being sent from your Debtor Daddy account. We've made it very easy to do this

1. Open your organisation settings

Click onto your Company Name

Click Organisation Settings

Open your organisation settings

2. Click Automatic Reminders: On

From the General Settings screen click the Automatic Reminders: On button

Click Automatic Reminders: On

3. The button will update

The button will be updated to a gold Automatic Reminders: Paused

The button will update

4. You'll also find a note in the side bar of the app

At the bottom of the sidebar you will see a Automatic Reminders Paused gold message in the left hand side.

You'll also find a note in the side bar of the app

What happens to reminders when they are paused?

Instead of sending automatic reminders we will add them to the hit list where you can review when you are ready.

During this time you will not receive the Daily Reminder Schedule (DRS) as we won't be sending anything automatically on your behalf