View and edit templates for messages.

Open Your Templates

Click on your email address at the top on the right-hand side of the top menu bar to access the drop-down menu.

Click on Templates.

Open Your Templates

Choose the Reminder Notice You Would Like to Edit.

On the left-hand side of the Template window you will see a list of the reminders to be sent out to Debtors.

  1. To edit a template, click on the Edit this template link

Choose the Reminder Notice You Would Like to Edit.Zoom

Edit Your Template

When you click on the Edit this template link a new window will pop up.

You can choose how many days after the due date the reminder should be sent.

You can alter the dummy text for:

- The Subject

- Body

Click on the Save Template button to save the reminder.

Edit Your Template

See How Your Reminder Template Might Look

On the right-hand side of the Templates window you will see a small image of a sample reminder template.

Click on View Larger Version.

See How Your Reminder Template Might Look

Please note the View more information link on the sample invoice.

This link will also appear in your invoices, and your clients can click on the link to view a web version of the original invoice.